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WAR - Women Are Rising & Unmasking Their Stories

The Third Annual WAR Event

was a Success!!!!

Our 2023 Third Annual Women's Empowerment Banquet was a huge success!!! We took a poll of the women who attended the event and asked them to provide three words or expressions that described the event, and this is what we received, "It was informative, inviting, and inclusive." "I found it to be friendly, comfortable, and informative." "My takeaways were to love yourself, know you got this, and unleash your strength." "It was inspiring, necessary, and transformational. "Eye-opening, thought-provoking, and inspirational." I could go on and on, but you know everyone enjoyed the event.


It was an afternoon of inner empowerment for all women. The speakers were phenomenal, and the information they shared was well-received. 


I want to thank our WAR members, volunteers, sponsors, and guests. It was a success because of all of you!!! If you weren't at this year's event, no worries. There is always next year.

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